The French civil real estate company (SCI)

Setting up a société civile immobilière (SCI) enables several people to build up and manage real estate. In this article, we’ll focus on family SCIs, which only involve partners from the same family (married couple, children, parents, grandparents, etc.).
Avoiding or reducing German speculation tax („Spekulationssteuer“) – an international comparison

Speculation tax applies to the sale of non-owner-occupied properties and is due if the house or apartment is sold at a profit within ten years of purchase. The reason for the sale is irrelevant, as it is assumed that the seller is speculating on a short-term increase in value. In the case of undeveloped properties, […]
Right to a compulsory portion in Germany vs. in Switzerland

What is the compulsory portion? What differences are there between Germany and Switzerland? And what can I do in cross-border cases?
Restricted inheritance tax liability in Germany in the case of residence abroad according to § 16 para. 2 Inheritance Tax Act (ErbStG)

When does the German inheritance tax liability apply? Are the tax allowances the same? And what tax structuring options are there for non-residents?
The Inheritance Tax Privileges of Works of Art

As a result of the low-interest phase of recent years, alternative forms of investment in works of art have experienced increased popularity. The acquired art objects could often record a massive increase in value. If art objects are part of the estate or are to be transferred as a gift, inheritance or gift tax on […]
Modification of the valuation regulation for real estate assets regarding inheritance and gift tax

The Bundestag has modified the valuation law for the tax evaluation of real estate (Bewertungsgesetz) with effect from 01.01.2023. This affects the amount of inheritance and gift tax.
Recognition of marriage, inheritance contracts and wills abroad

Is my marriage contract even effective abroad? Is a foreign will valid?
Inheritance in France

What law applies? What is the legal succession in France like? Are inheritance taxes due?
The French testament

What forms are there and what are the differences?
How do I sell my property in France?

What is the process like? What do I have to watch out for?